About the Association

The Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (AIA SR) is a voluntary association of legal entities operating primarily in the field of automotive production.

The members are mainly vehicle manufacturers, their representatives (importers) and companies operating in the automotive supply chain. Members also include secondary schools and universities, which are considered important partners for the automotive industry as they provide a skilled workforce. AIA SR members are also interest groups that have interest in the development of the automotive industry in Slovakia. The Association creates a common platform for the active development of the Slovak automotive industry and the promotion of common strategic goals in order to ensure the lasting competitiveness of the automotive industry in Slovakia.


manufacturers of passenger cars

direct employees in automotive sector

Goals of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic

Defining and enforcing the conditions for ensuring the competitiveness of the Slovak automotive industry

Securing a skilled workforce by promoting systemic change in education and the labour market

Increasing the innovative capacity of companies in the automotive industry by supporting research and development

Minimizing the negative impact of the automotive industry on the environment

Promoting the interests of the automotive industry through cooperation with relevant partners

Transforming the automotive industry to achieve carbon neutrality

Supporting the development and transformation of subcontractors

Activities of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic

The most important task of AIA SR is to defend the interests of its members to improve the business environment in Slovakia.


The preparation of legislative proposals and comments on ongoing legislative processes is carried out by seven legislation commissions whose members are experts from the member organizations of AIA SR.

Legislation commissions are created to cover strategic areas that are important for promoting the interests of AIA SR members. The legislation commissions focus on education, labour law and health and safety, research, development and innovation, financial legislation, the environment, technical legislation and alternative fuels and powertrains. Currently eight commission for EU legislation is under preparation with other member OEMs. The task of the commissions is to respond to the government’s legislative proposals but also to create a strategy for influencing the development of legislation in the relevant area so that the basic goal is met – to ensure long-term sustainability and competitiveness of the automotive industry in Slovakia.

Data and statistics

The argumentation basis for the work of the association is also formed by the collection, processing and interpretation of data and statistical data on the registration and production of motor vehicles in Slovakia. Continuous collection and evaluation of data over time helps to assess the effects of individual legislative changes on the performance of the Slovak automotive industry.

International cooperation

The success of the Slovak automotive industry depends to a large extent on the legislation being prepared at the level of the European Union. Associate membership in the strongest automotive organization based in Brussels, ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association), allows AIA SR to participate in influencing European legislation affecting the future of the automotive industry.

AIA SR also closely cooperates with other associations – CLEPA (European Association of Automotive Suppliers), CECRA (European umbrella organization regrouping national automotive trade associations and European brand dealer councils) and EUCAR (the European Council for Automotive R&D). Close cooperation with partner organizations in the V4 countries also plays an important role in creating and promoting the interests of the automotive industry.

Networking platform

One of the tasks of AIA SR is also to support networking and exchange of experiences. As part of regular contact with its members, AIA SR informs about important social, economic and legislative changes directly affecting their activities.

For this purpose, several events are organized, exclusively for members of the association, as well as for the general professional public. AIA SR organizes two important events every year. These are also accessible to the general professional public. Two-day conference Newmatec focuses on new trends in automotive. The second event CEE Automotive Supply Chain, offers an insight into current supply chain developments. CEE Automotive Supply Chain is connected with b2b event – managed b2b meetings, during which suppliers introduce themselves to their potential customers. Events intended exclusively for members are the General Assembly of AIA SR, the General Assemblies of individual divisions and the Annual Meeting, which is a social meeting of top representatives of AIA SR member companies.


Through its representatives, AIA SR is represented in the scientific councils of Slovak universities, has its representative in the Governmental Council for Science, Technology and Innovation,  in the Governmental Council for the European Green Deal,  in the Research Agency Council, in the Sector Councils and other working bodies of ministries.

Become a member of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic

Membership in the Association can be applied for by an entity registered in Slovakia with an assigned ID number, whose activity is directly or indirectly related to automobile production. The applicant’s application for membership is approved at a meeting of the Executive Committee of AIA SR. Membership is voluntary and is subject to the payment of a membership fee according to the current tariff approved by the AIA SR General Assembly.

Benefits of membership in the AIA SR:

  • the AIA SR, as a representative of employers, representing the strongest industry in the Slovak Republic, is perceived as a strong and respected partner at the highest level
  • each full member of the Association has the opportunity to bring their suggestions, comments and attitudes to a wide range of issues affecting its activities (e.g. labour law, labour market, health and safety at work, education, financial legislation, environmental issues, science and research, alternative fuels, technical legislation)
  • common positions of AIA SR members towards state and self-governing bodies can be enforced in legislative proceedings or through the Economic and Social Council of the SR (ESR) thanks to our umbrella organisation the Federation of Slovak Industrial and Transport Associations (FSITA), which was created by Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic and other important industrial partners, now our comments cannot be ignored by government. This creates a significant counterbalance to the government’s often unbalanced proposals.
  • consultation and support of members in solving problems with state and self-governing institutions, in the interpretation of legislation and its implementation in practice
  • discounts at events organized by ZAP SR, such as strategic conferences NEWMATEC, CASC, etc.
  • the possibility to vote and make decisions at the General Assembly
  • the possibility to participate in the activities of one of the divisions (subcontractors division, automobile importers division, trailers, semi-trailers and superstructures division and motorcycle importers and manufacturers division)
  • the opportunity to take active part in of one of the legislative commissions (by nominating a member of the commission)
  • statistics, databases, information
  • the opportunity to participate at the AIA SR Council of Managers and to vote and decide at the General Assembly of AIA SR

Membership contact form

    Organizational structure

    Secretariat of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic

    The Secretariat is an administrative and professional executive workplace that ensures the implementation of the strategy and activities resulting from the basic documents of the Union and from the resolutions of the Union’s bodies.

    The activity of the secretariat is managed by the general secretary, Mr. Viktor Marušák.

    The Secretariat has 6 employees who work as managers of individual divisions, secretaries of commissions, manage projects in which the Association is involved and provide organizational and informational support for members.

    Legislative Commissions

    Working committees are composed of experts from AIA SR member companies. The commissions prepare legislative proposals and comments on ongoing legislative processes and at the same time influence the strategic development of legislation in the relevant area so that the basic goal is fulfilled: ensuring the long-term sustainability and competitiveness of the automotive industry in Slovakia.

    • Legislative Commission on Labor Law and Health and Safety
    • Education Commission
    • Financial Legislation Commission
    • Environmental Legislation Commission
    • Commission for Research, Development and Innovation
    • Technical and Transport Legislation Commission
    • Alternative Fuels Commission


    AIA SR also includes four divisions that deal with legislative, strategic and operational issues related to the respective focus of the division.

    Division of car importers – chairman Pavol Prepiak

    Division of motorcycle importers and manufacturers – chairman Marek Malatinec

    Division of trailers, semi-trailers and superstructures – chairman Viliam Bujna

    Division of subcontractors – chairman Tomáš Osuský


    Bodies of the Automotive Industry Association

    General Assembly

    – the highest body of the AIA SR, among other things, approves the annual financial statements, the draft budget, changes to the statutes and elects the other bodies of the union. It usually meets once a year.


    – is the statutory body of AIA SR, ensures the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly, appoints the general secretary on the proposal of the Executive Committee. In his absence, he may be represented by the Executive Vice President.


    – is the working body of the president. It deals with issues of internal and external activities of AIA SR


    Presidium of ZAP SR


    Ing. Alexander Matušek

    Head of Volkswagen Slovakia, a.s. Department of External Relations/Environment/Social Services.

    In the past, he was responsible for the management of all logistics at Volkswagen Slovakia and also worked in several management positions within the Volkswagen Group in Portugal and the USA. Since 2018, he has held the position of president of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (AIA SR / ZAP SR) during the third election period. In 2018, he was also elected vice president of the Federation of Slovak Industrial and Transport Associations (FSITA / APZD).

    Executive Vice President

    Ing. Pavol Prepiak

    From 1990 to 2018, he worked for several multinational car companies in Slovakia and abroad. In 1993, he founded the Association of Automobile Importers with the aim of creating conditions for the authorized distribution (import) of vehicles in Slovakia, which was later transformed into a separate division of our association. Since 2018, he has been the executive vice-president of the Association and its second statutory, he is a member of the executive committee of the Federation of Slovak Industrial and Transport Associations He is the chairman of the board of the Coordinating Center for old vehicles and the director of Auto Recycling – Producer Responsibility Organization. He has been active in the field of technical and environmental vehicle legislation all his life.


    Prof. Ing. Ľubomír Šooš, PhD.

    Ľubomír Šooš is the vice-president of the Association of the Automotive Industry with responsibility for research, development and innovation.

    He holds the position of dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University, he is a professor in the field of Production Technology, Construction of Production and Environmental Technology, Environment. It focuses on research and innovation, primarily in the design of machine tool components as well as environmental technology. He was a researcher of more than 21 international and national research projects, published more than 295 scientific articles in journals and proceedings, is the author of 35 patents, industrial designs and improvement proposals, is the bearer of more than 50 engineering and technical works as part of the contract research of the faculty with experience. He is the chairman of the commission for research, development and innovation of the Automotive Industry Assiciation of the Slovak Republic and is the leader of the UNIVNET Association (University and Industrial Research and Education Platform of the Recycling Company), which consists of five universities and our Association.


    Ing. Jaroslav Kouřil

    He is the personnel director for the Slovak Republic at Faurecia. In the past, he worked in the field of human resources management in the manufacturing companies Johns Manville, DURA Automotive, Datalogic and Veolia. In the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic, he heads the labor law committee and from 2022 he is the vice president of our Association with responsibility for labor law and education.


    JUDr. Richard Hollý

    Richard Hollý is the secretary general of the Association of Leasing Companies of the Slovak Republic. In the past, he managed a team of lawyers in a financial company for many years. Since 2018, he has been the chairman of the Commission for Financial Legislation in the Automotive Industry Association, and since 2023 he is the vice-president of the Association.

    Executive Committee

    – manages AIA SR and the activities of the secretariat in the period between the General Assemblies. It consists of the president, vice-presidents, the chairmen of legislative commissions and other internal organizational units of AIA SR and other representatives of member organizations are part of it. One of the members is the director of the secretariat of the Czech Automobile Industry Association – AutoSAP.

    Executive Committee of AIA SR – members
    • Honorary President
      Jozef UHRÍK
    • President
      Alexander MATUŠEK
    • Executive Vice President
      Pavol PREPIAK
    • Vice Presidents
      Richard HOLLÝ
      Jaroslav KOUŘIL
      Ľubomír ŠOOŠ
    • Members of the Executive Committee
      Viliam BUJNA
      Roman BUJNA
      Dušan DVOŘÁK
      Peter FAJNA
      Igor FRANČEK
      Richard HOLLÝ
      Miroslav JANOTA
      Ivan KEBÍSEK
      Július LANG
      Marek MALATINEC
      Viktor MARUŠÁK
      Tomáš OSUSKÝ
      Zdeněk PETZL
      Tomáš POLAŠČIN
      Andrej ŠTEFÁNIK
      Dušan VALIENT




    • Chairman
      Marián FRANEK
    • Members
      Peter BIANCHI
      Dagmar HAKLOVÁ
      Peter KADLEC
      Adriana KOCIANOVÁ
      Marián KRÁLIK
      Oliver LINDVAY
      Martin PODKONICKÝ

    Supervisory board

    The Supervisory Board is the control body of AIA SR, it controls the management of AIA SR funds and performs other control tasks assigned to it by the General Assembly, or other activities if requested by the AIA SRpresident or the Executive Committee.

    Executive Committee of AIA SR – members
    • Chairman
      Marián FRANEK
    • Members
      Peter BIANCHI
      Dagmar HAKLOVÁ
      Peter KADLEC
      Adriana KOCIANOVÁ
      Marián KRÁLIK
      Oliver LINDVAY
      Martin PODKONICKÝ

    Our members


    AB MOTORS SK s.r.o.

    ACCU Technical s.r.o.

    ADAMS TRADE a.s.

    Adient Slovakia s.r.o.

    AGADOS Slovakia, s.r.o.

    AGRI CS Slovakia s.r.o.

    AGROSERVIS spol. s r.o.

    Aktrion s.r.o.

    AL-KO KOBER SLOVAKIA, spol. s r.o.

    Antik technology, s.r.o.

    ASFALTELAST - S s.r.o.

    Asociácia leasingových spoločností Slovenskej republiky

    Asociácia technických diagnostikov Slovenskej republiky

    Asseco CEIT, a.s.

    AUTO-KLIMA Bratislava s.r.o.

    Autoklub Slovenskej republiky

    AVIANA PLUS, s.r.o.

    Ayming Slovensko s. r. o.

    BASF Slovensko spol. s r.o.

    BMW Slovenská republika s. r. o.

    BMW Slovenská republika s. r. o.

    BOGE Elastmetall Slovakia, a.s.

    C Automobil Import s. r. o.

    Cech predajcov a autoservisov SR


    C.E.P. Scherdel Pružiny, spol. s r.o.

    ČESMAD Slovakia

    CEVA Ground Logistics Slovakia s.r.o.

    COBA Automotive, s.r.o.

    COMPAAN, spol. s r.o.

    Continental Automotive Systems Slovakia s.r.o.

    DAF Trucks CZ, s. r. o., organizačná zložka

    Daimler Truck & Bus Slovakia s.r.o.

    DEKRA Slovensko s.r.o.

    DELTA-TRUCK s. r. o.

    Deutsche Telekom Systems Solutions Slovakia s.r.o.

    DHL Logistics (Slovakia), spol. s r.o.

    DQS Slovakia, s.r.o.

    ECO SERVIS, s.r.o.

    EDITEL SK s.r.o.

    ESNASA SLOVENSKO, s. r. o.

    EUROPETRANS - SK s.r.o.

    Eurostyle Systems Liptovský Mikuláš s.r.o.


    exe, a.s.

    EXPANDTECH, a.s.

    Faber Moto SK s. r. o.

    Fagor Ederlan Slovensko, a.s.

    Faurecia Automotive Slovakia s.r.o.

    F Automobil Import s.r.o.

    FECUPRAL, spol. s r.o.

    FM SLOVENSKÁ, s.r.o.

    Formel D Slovakia s. r. o.

    Garrett Motion Slovakia s. r. o.


    Golde Lozorno spol. s r.o.

    Grand Automotive Central Europe Kft., organizačná zložka Slovensko



    Handtmann Slovakia, s.r.o.

    HBPO Slovakia s.r.o.

    HELLA Slovakia Lighting s.r.o.

    HOCHSTAFFL SLOVAKIA spol. s r.o.

    HOLLEN s.r.o.

    Honda Motor Europe Limited Slovensko, organizačná zložka

    Honda Motor Europe Limited Slovensko, organizačná zložka

    Hyundai Motor Czech s. r. o., organizačná zložka Slovakia

    Hyundai Steel Slovakia s.r.o.

    Hyundai Transys Slovakia s. r. o.

    IMIDJEX spol. s r. o.

    IMPEXTA SK, s.r.o.

    INTERCABLE s. r. o.


    Isuzu Sales Deutschland GmbH - organizačná zložka Slovensko

    Iveco Slovakia, s.r.o.

    Iveco Slovakia, s.r.o.

    Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia s.r.o.

    Journeyman Slovakia s. r. o.

    KAMAX Fasteners s.r.o.

    Kia Sales Slovakia s. r. o.

    Kia Slovakia s. r. o.


    K-moto s.r.o.

    KNOTT spol. s r.o.

    Kongsberg Automotive, s.r.o.


    Küster - automobilová technika spol. s r.o.

    Leadec s. r. o.

    Lindenmaier Slovakia, s.r.o.

    LM POWER s. r. o.

    LT Trailers s.r.o.

    M2M Solutions, s.r.o.

    Magyar Suzuki Corporation - Suzuki Slovensko - organizačná zložka

    Magyar Suzuki Corporation - Suzuki Slovensko - organizačná zložka

    MAKINO s.r.o.

    MAN Truck & Bus Slovakia s.r.o.

    Manz Slovakia, s. r. o.

    MARPEX s.r.o.

    MAR SK, s.r.o.

    Mazda Motor Slovakia, s. r. o.

    MB SERVIS, s.r.o.

    Mercedes-Benz Slovakia s. r. o.

    Meteor Motor Tech SR, s. r. o.

    Miba Sinter Slovakia s.r.o.

    Miba Steeltec s.r.o.

    MIDI SLOVAKIA s. r. o.

    MIKONA s.r.o.

    M Motors SK s.r.o.

    Mobis Slovakia s.r.o.

    MOPED-Slovakia, s.r.o.

    Motherson SAS Automotive Systems and Technologies Slovakia s.r.o.

    Nanogate Slovakia s.r.o.

    Narimex, spol. s r.o.

    Nemak Slovakia s.r.o.

    Neuman Aluminium Components s.r.o.

    NEVIMA GROUP SK s.r.o.

    Novares Slovakia Automotive s.r.o.

    NYLUS SK, s.r.o.

    O Automobil Import s.r.o.

    OKE Plastic SK, s.r.o.

    PALFINGER Tail Lifts s. r. o.

    Panattoni Slovakia Development s. r. o.


    Pankl Automotive Slovakia s.r.o.

    P Automobil Import s.r.o.

    PFS, a.s.

    Plastic Omnium Auto Exteriors, s.r.o.

    Plastonic s.r.o.

    Porsche Inter Auto Slovakia, spol. s r.o.

    Porsche Slovakia, spol. s r.o.

    Porsche Smart Battery Shop s.r.o.

    PricewaterhouseCoopers Slovensko, s.r.o.

    PR Krajné, s.r.o. v konkurze

    P R O B U G A S a. s.

    PROCAR, a.s.

    Prosman a Pavlovič advokátska kancelária, s.r.o.

    Renault Slovensko, spol. s r.o.

    Reutter SK s.r.o.

    REYLON SM, s.r.o.

    Röchling Automotive Slovakia s. r. o.

    Scania Slovakia s.r.o.

    Schaeffler Kysuce, spol. s r.o.

    Schaeffler Skalica, spol. s r.o.

    SE Bordnetze - Slovakia s.r.o.

    Shrinktech s.r.o.

    SKC foundry s. r. o.

    Škoda Auto Slovensko s.r.o.

    Slovenská asociácia motoristického športu

    Slovenská asociácia pre elektromobilitu

    Slovenská motocyklová federácia

    Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre

    Slovenská spoločnosť údržby

    Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

    Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

    Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

    SLOVNAFT, a.s.

    SLUŽBA NITRA, s.r.o.

    SMC Priemyselná automatizácia, spol. s r.o.

    SOVA Digital a.s.

    Spolok automobilových inžinierov a technikov Slovenska

    SPP CNG s. r. o.

    Squire Patton Boggs s.r.o.

    Stredná odborná škola dopravná, Kvačalova 20, Bratislava

    Stredná priemyselná škola dopravná, Hlavná 113, Košice

    Študentský cech strojárov SjF STUBA

    Summit Motors Slovakia, spol. s r.o.

    Support Q a.s.

    SVAN.SK - Miroslav Katreniak

    ŠVEC a SPOL, s.r.o.

    TATRA Slovensko, spol. s r.o.

    Teas Slovakia spol. s r. o.

    TECHNIA Slovakia s. r. o.

    Technická univerzita v Košiciach

    TECHNODAT, CAE - systémy, spol. s r.o.

    TOPAGRI Slovakia s.r.o.

    T.O.P. AUTO Slovakia, a.s.

    TOPTEST s.r.o.

    Toyota Central Europe - Slovakia s. r. o.

    TP Group Sk s.r.o.


    Trailer Partner Slovakia a. s.

    Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne

    TRIGO Slovakia, s.r.o.


    TRUMPF Slovakia, s.r.o.

    TT-Thermo King o.z.

    TURČAN - AUTO, s.r.o.

    U.M.S., s.r.o.

    Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave

    U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

    Ústav materiálov a mechaniky strojov Slovenskej akadémie vied, verejná výskumná inštitúcia

    Ústredný automotoklub Slovenská republika

    VATMANN, spol. s r.o.


    Volvo Group Slovakia, s.r.o.

    VS - MONT, s.r.o.

    Výcvikové zariadenie pre vodičov, s.r.o.

    Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave

    Webasto Convertibles Slovakia s.r.o.

    WEGU SLOVAKIA s.r.o.

    Yamaha Motor Europe N.V., organizačná zložka SK

    Yanfeng International Automotive Technology Slovakia s.r.o.

    Združenie autorizovaných spracovateľov starých vozidiel

    Združenie autoškôl Slovenskej republiky

    ZF Slovakia, a.s.

    Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

    Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

    Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

    ZKW Slovakia s.r.o.

    ZWL Slovakia - Výroba ozubených kolies Sučany, s. r. o.
